Fallow Season

Fallow: farming term for when a field is purposely left alone for a season. This allows nutrients to be restored and creates an ecosystem for more productive harvests in the future.

Today officially marks the last day of my year-long sabbatical.

For those wondering, no, I didn’t take unemployment, and it was not a golden parachute free ride. It was a self-funded investment in the soul and family with the most amazing ROI. A beautiful fallow season to reinvest and rejuvenate the soil. While I don’t like the circumstances that landed me here, I am grateful for the outcome. 

Why a full year?

I hate to admit it, but I needed some time.  My world, as I knew it, was rocked pretty hard as I found myself and a couple of my top-notch executive team were transitioned out of the company I loved. I was grieving.

I was exhausted. You must understand, I didn’t have a job. I had an absolute mission. A passion that had my whole heart and soul for 6 years. I lived and breathed this company and people. I was on the edge of the seat all day, most times having a blast as we plowed through to success, other times feeling the immense burden of market head winds or staff issues and losing sleep.

Maybe a stronger person would simply take a couple weeks and just, you know, buck-up. Not me. I was literally knocked into next year. I had a lot to process. Initially I thought it would just be a summer off, but I found myself still reeling a bit after a few months and I just couldn’t find any passion to jump back into the workplace. None. Eventually I let go and realized this season is a rare gift, and to just take some time to do something I never do: park the relentless tenacity and long days, and just be. 

What does one learn in a fallow season? 

The learning over the year simply can’t be conveyed in a post. Heck, I don’t think a book will do it justice. The testament of what I learned will be shown by what I do and who I am now, and in the future. Know this though, my soul has prospered. I learned far more than I could have ever imagined. I learned what matters. Relationships matter, perceptions matter, eternal impact matters.

I had planned to share my thoughts and journey in a blog, but the quiet hobbit hole just drew me in. I may go through the many pages of the journal and meditations and share some of the learnings at some point if I feel people could benefit.

A whole year! What did I do?

I read. I slept. I reconnected with God and family. I found new relationships. I found new meaning. I released the need to be understood, and just gave up and sought to understand others. I analyzed what was true, where I went wrong, where I was wronged, why people are wronged. I redefined failure. I redefined success. I analyzed my intentions in life and day to day. I found peace.

I learned to trade stocks and spent a lot of time riding the euphoric market wave up. I started a book I will never finish – a training manual for new executives. I dreamed up a podcast that is yet to be launched. I helped home school the young’ins. I did some business consulting. I supported my awesome wife as she became a Real Estate agent (she is rocking it, and loves it!)

I built a garden. I picked up drumming again. I renovated a houseboat (in-process, actually). I went on a 6-week EPIC family RV trip across America and back. I dreamed up ideas on how to live life, on leadership, on the world. I joined a home church. I prayed. Seriously. For the first time in life I actually developed a habit of prayer. I met God every morning and plan to do so the rest of my life.

What’s next? 

The transition began with a weak, nervous, and unwilling heart. Stepping into the unknown and chaos rarely does anything but cause anxiety. But as I confronted the wild land, and let go, I found a strength, freedom, and peace that is so difficult to describe. Moving forward this field will not be producing out of a place of tired weakness or striving to grow a crop, but producing out of an intrinsic strength and noble purpose like never before.

I am actively considering a handful of startup ideas, partnerships, and business acquisitions. I feel it would be wise to leverage the great experience of bringing a team, company, and product to #1 in the nation. 

There are so many opportunities out there! Praying the right doors open and close. Reach out if you know of any great businesses with strong brand potential that need new ownership. Or a startup idea. Or just want a human connection.